Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Syukuri Hidup & Cinta Kasih Orang Tua

Berbahagialah kalian yg masih memiliki orangtua yg mencintai kalian,
tanpa mereka kalian tak kan ada..
tanpa kasih sayang mereka kalian tak kan mengerti arti Cinta yg sesungguhnya,
arti pengorbanan yg sesungguhnya..
Seperti apapun ayah ibumu, mereka mencintaimu...

Bersyukurlah kalian saat ini! :')
by: Priska

Thursday, March 22, 2012


My doggy with her favorite ball  
photograph by mochii

Before Cooking

my little creativity before cooking.. and.. this is it  :D hahaha
 vegetables makes us Healthy :)

Monday, March 12, 2012


I'm looking for you, where are you
why you suddenly disappeared..
I really miss you.. and I don't know why I could be like this...

that time when you held me so long,
and looked into my eyes
through the day with me...
You just lied to me? It was all a drama?

Then I keep looking for you
I can only see your name, I really wanna talk to you
But you never notice it at all...

I'm sad.. I wear a headset and listen to the songs..
and suddenly I saw a conversation between you and her
you know, at the moment my heart broke into pieces
Oh God how stupid I am, he still loves her
yes I'm crazy, have been willing to go back into his game..

broken, shattered into pieces..
I can't stop my tears, because it really hurts
so, it was all just a game?

Now, I'm alone here trying to heal my own pain..
You never appreciate my exsistence for you,
you're not worthy to get my love, thanks for all :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Be Grateful

Dingin dan kesunyian malam mulai terasa..
Waktunya kita beristirahat melepas lelah, setelah seharian beraktivitas
Apakah yang anda peroleh hari ini? tentu ada suka dan ada duka..
Jangan menyesali apa yang telah terjadi,
karna sebuah penyesalan hanya akan membawa kekecewaan dalam hati..
Wajiblah anda mengucapkan syukur jika hari ini Anda sedang berbahagia..
Karena masih banyak di luar sana orang-orang yang sedang kesusahan..
banyak orang2 yang sedang mengalami masalah dan keterpurukan dlm hidupnya..
Bersyukurlah jika kalian masih memiliki tempat tinggal
Di pinggir jalan, di stasiun, hatiku terenyuh ketika melihat orang2 tidur terlantar di lantai tanpa alas..
anak-anak kecil tidur di pinggir jalan beralaskan koran..
bahkan tak memiliki selimut tuk hangatkan tubuh mereka di tengah dinginnya malam..
Tidakkah kamu pernah berfikir bahwa kamu wajib bersyukur dengan hidupmu saat ini?
Someday.. God will surely give a wonderful gift for those who are always patient and grateful
"Believe that God's plan is always beautiful in His time.."
by: Priska Mochii

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Keep Motivated!

Mungkin tadi malam km tidur dengan menyimpan sebuah masalah berat..
tidur dengan hati gelisah, dan banyak beban pikiran..
Pagi ini, bangunlah dan berdiamlah sejenak, tenangkan hatimu..

Remember that everything happens for a reason..
Cobaan tdk akan pernah melebihi kekuatanmu.. 

Jangan pernah katakan  "Aku tidak mampu lagi"  <-- coret yah
Renungkan sejenak, katakan pada dirimu "Aku mampu! Aku lebih kuat dari masalahku!"
Di saat2 kalian terpuruk, di saat itulah pribadi kalian dibentuk..
 Tergantung bagaimana kalian menyikapi keadaan tersebut..
Bangkit & move on! dijamin km akan dapat pelajaran yang berharga nantinya.. 
Percayalah, liku-liku kehidupan akan menuntut kita untuk terus bertumbuh & berfikir dewasa ;)

Start your day with pray,
enjoy your breakfast and be prepared to do your activity today,
keep the spirit! keep motivated!

 Be the light in the darkness of life
created by:Priska Mochii 

Good Morning everybody..
this is a picture of Beby, my beloved dog,
she wants to greet you all with her silly face.. LOL

Monday, March 5, 2012


Family, is a place where I can feel the love, protection, and affection

When I could no longer build the spirit of my life ...
When I fell and hurt by people around me,  
One that makes me peaceful and cheerful again, sharing stories with my mom .. ;)
She taught me the true meaning of patience and forgiveness ..

Then my father, honestly, he's old fashioned, he isn't easily understood, 
but in the end, I realized that he only wants the best for his children ..
He just wants to protect his children from harm ..
although sometimes we don't like the way they are ..

My brothers and sister, although we have opposite character, often arguing, 

but we always together again and still can love each other ..

with them, I share the knowledge, sharing jokes and laughter ..

we are grateful to have parents who always taught us to do good things ..
And foremost they always taught us to always be close to God, 
always pray and give thanks in all things ..
Because of them, now.. me, my sister, and my brothers grow into people who believe in God, and always remember to be kind to others .. 

by: Priska Mochii (Priska Liviana)